enter esther
Window of the Senior Shoppe, winter 2006
I put out a request on Facebook and Twitter to see if any of my knitty friends (not “kitty friends,” as my friend Susan misread) would be interested in a craft trade. I desire some well-made leg warmers. Apparently my kitty friends are too busy with their projects (Christmas present catchup?) to help out, until well past leg warmer weather.
No big whoop. I moved my preoccupations elsewhere. Forward to a few days later, when I needed to kill a few moments waiting for my lunch date. I went into one of the best stores ever, the Senior Craft Shoppe. Exactly as you might imagine — a small store, packed to the gills with crafts of all kinds made by super seniors, and priced right.
It wasn’t until I was inside, ogling the racks and racks of crocheted golf club covers, flannel elephants, telephone book covers, ET AL, that the lightbulb went off.
Me: I want some knitted legwarmers.
Senior Counter Lady: Let me call Esther!
Before I knew it, I was on the phone with Esther (presumably not the Esther of the misaligned ducks). I told her I wanted gray and black striped legwarmers. Esther asked (in an undetermined accent), “What kind of size are you? Are you a regular kind of girl?” After she had gotten my very approximate size, she rang off, promising to call with a quote.
And call she did. She left a message quoting me the cost of the leg warmers. The cost, though reasonable, had me feeling a little regretful. After all, I bought a pair at Fever for a mere couple bucks. What was I doing, commissioning a piece when I needed to save my dollars for tax season? Feeling super-ambivalent, I called Esther back. She answered the phone with the perkiest, nicest “”Hiya, sweetie! What’s cookin’?”
Well, that does it. How can I compete with that kind of cuteness? Suddenly, the cost seemed really small — a custom made order by Esther herself? Priceless.
Update: And here they are. Whoa.
Um. We’ll have to wait and see if I can rock them or no, because the day after I got them the weather shot up to the 70s and hasn’t gone down since.
They are fantastic!! I don’t know what you paid for them, but they are worth every cent! I LOVE that your money went to a senior, fixed income is a bear on them. I bet she concentrated on this project like it was the most important thing in the world! If you never ever wear these, you did a wonderful thing for someone and I bet you don’t even know how much.
My cool friend Becky still holding the reins.
Rock them there legwarmers, ykceB!!!!!1
Yeehowdy!!! They are def. This leg warmer tale warms the cockles of me heart.
Thanks, you sweetiepies! I fear legwarmer season has permanently left the Southland. But think of the fun you’ll have, attacking me with your snowballs — with the leggies you’ll have an easy target!
Love your boots and I *immediately* thought that was the very same Esther who had previously effed up the ducks.
And THAT is why you’re awesome, C-girl.