hot links, coming through

  • Tacky little Flash animations with tacky little (yet infectious) songs. Ugh, they’re the polyester of the internet. Yet.. yet.. every once in a while, one must don the polyester. [source: webzen]
  • The twisted films of PES yields up drowning nut and the scandalous roof sex. Very cute; but then rogue peanut comes on and taps a very specific happy center of my brain. I’m sure there are other gems but patience for my plodding internet access runs out right about now. [source: the delightful andy]
  • Dirty car art: can’t get my head around how this is done. And the impermanence of it all — urban mandalas, yeah! [source: lady fantastica, hillary]
  • Stupid little shooty fun games. Ugh, they’re the crack of the internet. And with that, I enable you with Pop Flop. [source: some sadist]
  • Update: Delightful animation by a magical Russian: Bathtime in Clerkenwell by Alex Budovsky [thanx for finding it, Andy-poo]


  1. Dagda on August 28, 2006 at 9:44 am

    Have you seen “Meat Clown”? I think it’s been around for awhile but I just saw it for the first time last night. It’s my new favorite claymation. I can’t stop giggling as I watch it because it’s sooo creepy and great. And it has an exhaustingly catchy tune. Meat clown, meat clown, la la, la la la la…

  2. me on August 28, 2006 at 9:59 am

    Oh my. I found it:
    Definitely creepy and great! Note the power of a good soundtrack. Thanks Dagda!

    I notice the animator thanks Gary Schwartz, who I learned animation from, too!