Look, another photo that goes from interesting to positively enchanting when viewing in tiny size! And shockingly enough, it scares me in no way. Perhaps because of the size of the work, the fish seem vulnerable, containable — too abstract to be of any danger to me. This is the work of the person, Ã…, with whom I am having a photographic collaboration on flickr. She is quite the superstar of the flickr universe these days. I imagine she is laughing right now as she reads this. But it’s true! I try to contain my jealousy at her easy eye.
This project in which we’re involved is so fun, satisfying, touching, silly. This is the miracle of the internet, people — I can play online Pictionary, make a friend halfway across the world, and (almost realtime) share our visual lives and creativity. One of the few reasons I’m happy to be alive when I am. If not for the internet, I would be yearning doubly hard for the time/place-periods for which I have mysterious nostalgia/saudade: 1960s London; mid-1800s Prairie Frontier; 1950s Nevada; 1930s Paris; 1700s Canada; oh does the list go on.
Fun fact: my grandmother Ann (my dad’s mom) lived in a sod house in the midwest in her youth.
Speaking of Nostalga…here’s your funky link for to-day