in which i am a petulant teenager


I hate my ill-fitting, matchy-matchy outfit.

The shorts. though completely adorable (thanks, Violet!) are too big and keep going down, down — making me grateful that I’m working alone today, as there are ample crackage moments when I stand, sit, or walk. Or think.

The tee-shirt matches too well with the shorts and I am not a matchy-matchy human. The tee-shirt is also too short, so it rides UP while the shorts ride DOWN, exposing far too much skim-milk-color torso for anyone’s taste.

And the shoes clash. And it’s windy out and I’m chilly. And I’m grumpy.

Hey! I just spilled an entire bottle of chilled water into my lap!


  1. Violet on August 2, 2011 at 11:32 am

    I hate that feeling! Tie a rope around your waist and hang in there, baby — Friday’s coming!Also, the Fair starts tomorrow!!

  2. Tamar on August 10, 2011 at 11:05 pm

    But it’s a WFMU t-shirt!