my lips are unsealed

After the Debacle of 2000, when that man, the worst leader in our history, illegally and improperly took office, I made a vow. I would never, ever say his name out loud. And I stuck to it. Never once have I uttered the name of the person who I never believed was, or should be, the President of my country.

I never really talked about this, this vow of mine; it was just my private way of saying no, this is not right. He will never be my president.

I tell you this today because, finally, I can utter the name of the new person in charge. The one that won fairly and squarely, who will step up to lead our country and lead it well.

President Obama.

My president.

I am so proud.


  1. Hannah on November 5, 2008 at 1:36 am

    Me too! My hi speed blog post of the morning between bouts of pretending to work was just a quick post about Obama – it’s all over the papers here!

  2. Leanne Waldal on November 5, 2008 at 8:29 am

    Me Too!!! I stood in the middle of a crowd of people at the Obama party in San Francisco (at the Westin St Francis) and thought I was going to melt from the joy and thrill pulsing in the room. But I really can’t figure out how to hold onto that with the passage of Prop 8. Tears of extreme joy and sadness.

  3. cloudy on November 5, 2008 at 10:04 am

    I know! Oh My God! So crazy! YAY!

    I am so sorry about Prop 8, that is absolutely unbelievable to me. THE WORLD WILL CHANGE DAMMITT!!!!