bad cell phone photo travelogue
The Man and I headed down to Los Angeles last night for a bit of fun. It turned out to be Big Fun, despite my feeling weirdly in the face region, which has turned into The Sniffles today. Sniffles in spite of all the healthy, fat- and sugar- laden alcohol and food I dutifully consumed all night, from the giant peppermint pillow mints to the Whiskey Sours to the Fritos (lord have mercy) I bought at the gas station on the way home.
Right out of the gate, a huge thing occurred.
I ate the best hamburger of my life. Umami Burger. Best hamburger of my life, ever. I lobbied to stop there again later, with complete seriousness. However, we moved on, and my consolation prize were my Fritos.
We waited in line at Amoeba Records to meet David Lynch and get his autograph. We were a big crowd, but polite and quiet. Mr. Lynch was cranking out the product as one must do, as politely and quietly as he could. It was a pretty bloodless transaction, but maybe that’s just me. I respect him as a filmmaker (pretty much) but a celebrity he ain’t, as far as I’m concerned. But hey! I have David Lynch signed stuff! And Amoeba is so great.
Me too short to shoot over the record stacks. That’s him in black. We had to put away our cameras when we got within good-photo earshot.
We enjoyed this truck while we waited outside Amoeba.
Dresden! The Lounge of the Dresden Restaurant is dominated by Elayne and Marty, the fantastic jazz duo. They are hipster favorites due to Swingers and the ironical embrace of old-school entertainment, but they BRING IT. I love them. I had not seen them since the mid-90s, and I bless the universe at the fact that they’re here to this day.
Apparently one of the Melvins was also drinking at a table nearby, so it was just a star-studded evening. Oh, and I want to host a party at the Dresden’s restaurant. It is beyond gorgeous MCM-meets-baroque style.
Only wish for do-overs:
- Drink the Dresden’s famous Blood and Sands instead of the sometimes good, sometimes awful Whiskey Sours.
- Eat another Umami Burger, then another and another.
- No Fritos.
You ate an okra, and LIKED IT!!!