too much and not enough


I initiate a high-five with a stranger. I hate high-fives and generally distrust strangers. But there it is. It had to do with my Red Sox teeshirt. So, strangers, sports and high-fives. Do I even know myself anymore?


In a hurry, en route to a work appointment, I stop at my local convenience store.

Me: Where’s the Kleenex?
Clerk [points]: not there, but kind of behind there.
Me: I don’t see ’em.
Clerk: No, back a little, next to the jerky.
Me: I do not see them.
Clerk [point point pointing]: They’re right there! There!
Me: Oh my god, can you just show them to me?
Clerk [rushes out from behind counter, stands in front of snack display]: Right! Here! Here! They! Are!
Me: Not peanuts! I said Kleenex!!
Clerk: Oh. We don’t have any.


I have a headache, all day. This has been happening lately.


I come to the realization that these headaches correspond to the days I don’t drink coffee. The headaches are caused by caffeine withdrawal. So I make a pot of coffee, drink it, and feel better immediately. Great, even. I will not give up caffeine. (“GOOD. NEVER give up!” says Moya.)


  1. Hannah on November 23, 2008 at 7:54 am

    Either that or you have to ween yourself off it so that the days you don’t drink it aren’t as hard!

  2. Cloudy on November 23, 2008 at 8:52 am

    Well shit, what happened Monday & Tuesday??? What will today bring????? Try giving up sugar, it will drain the life blood right out of you.

  3. hambox on November 23, 2008 at 12:06 pm

    What are you *talking* about, Hannah? Wean myself off coffee? WHAT?? Uh, I mean, I can stop ANY time! {shifty eyes}

    And Cloudy, nothing happened on Monday and Tuesday. Not not enough, not too much. Just … blaaaaah.

  4. andrew on November 23, 2008 at 11:10 pm

    Oh Oh Oh I wanted to smack the back of your hand for not seeing the Kleenex- I was so sure it was right there in front of you and that you were just overwhelmed by the clerk’s direction, and when you asked the clerk to just come and show you, I thought, “oh! how dare?”
    I was simply confounded when a whole new set of emotions washed over me at the end. I didn’t give you enough credit, Becky. I was too quick to judge. But you have to admit, the ending could easily be drawn as the last box in a Kathy comic strip. Kathy, (arms full of shopping bags) looking defeated with her eyes rolled up and her hands thrown to her sides as the clerk tells her there is no Kleenex.

  5. hambox on November 24, 2008 at 7:52 am

    Haha, Andrew did not anticipate the surprise twist ending!

    As to the reference to “Kathy”: ACK!!!!