what th’… ?

My Elderly Relative seems to have lost all his pants. Bizarre and bewildering. I awoke to find him happily sunning himself while wearing a pair of my sweats that he stole from the dryer. It was a pretty hilarious sight, as I am short and he is tall, and .. well, he was wearing my pants.

So off I went to find a pair of more proper attire for him. And … gone. his pants are all gone.

I’m a little overwhelmed caring for him right now and am a crossroads, trying to make some difficult decisions about his next course of care, so I actually enjoy these little Theatre of the Absurd moments that don’t really hurt anybody.

Seriously, where are his pants??


  1. Carol on March 14, 2011 at 12:39 pm

    I know this one. He’s using something unusual as a laundry hamper. Trust me.

  2. Violet on March 14, 2011 at 10:44 pm

    I blame the roofers.

  3. Carol on March 15, 2011 at 9:38 am

    Don’t leave us hangin’ Becky – did ya find his pants?

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