Off center

Peter, Becky, Mark, Annie, originally uploaded by hambox. How I love this family of mine. This is my sister and her family and me on a walk on Christmas day in Cambridge, MA. My sister Annie and I make each other weak-kneed with laughter on a regular basis. Very little of what gets us going…

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groovy yule

I’m in Boston and have been stuffing the pie-hole with lots and lots of pie. Both my sisters are incredible cooks.. how can I be related to these culinary whizzes? It was a strange and wonderful holiday. Profane, intense, utterly hilarious. The entire day was a tribute to James Brown, to my mother and father,…

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these are the dreams i dream when i diet

I was in some kind of dance class. The teacher chanted “Spin.. Look good! Spin.. Look good!” over and over again, in a high, strident Gwen Stefani voice. …When I awoke, I discovered I was in the middle of poking and squeezing my love handles. Photo: Naptime, originally uploaded by flickr use sarae. Thanks for…

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A fine and foxy lady discovered me on flickr, totally randomly, from the picture, above. We had identical experiences at different weddings on the same day in the San Francisco Bay Area: at our respective receptions, the respective brides marched up to us and handed us their bouquets. [However, she didn’t lose her bouquet between…

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Feeling the earth’s surface lately, I’m yearning for an angel. Life is balance; getting caught up in the middle of the atmosphere and energized by the combination of the grounding, earthy experience of terra firma and the electric, ionic stuff of energy in the sky. Lightning does not come from above, it dances in the…

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Another “bloooop!”

Another thing that I just hit saturation level with, thanks to Frontline: When there’s any kind of news story that deals with the issue of obesity or lack of fitness/nutrition (especially when it’s an American Problem), the accompanying footage is 99.9% likely to be lingering ass n’ belly shots of anonymous overweight people, walking in…

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one more upskirt and i’ll upchuck

You know when you’re filling up a bottle with water, and when you get to where the bottle tapers, and it feels like the water is speeding up, then suddenly there’s that friendly bloooop! sound, and suddenly the bottle is overflowing? A couple days ago, I turned on the local [airquote] news [end airquote] and…

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