bah hamblog
Ho ho .. hum! Too much prep and not enough payoff so far this holiday season. I have become one with my sewing machine, sort of like Brundle Fly (complete with desire to be on the business end of a rifle) and there’s more, yet more!, sewing to do. If I could, I’d get the rest of my presents completed by throwing some cash at Amazon and be done with it.
But I’m in the awkward position of being poor, but wanting to give gifts — hence, it’s all Holly Hobby, all the time.
[PS Have you seen the latest eBay commercial? “Let’s talk about homemade gifts. No one wants them.” Ugh, not funny. “I know it’s the thought that counts, but think harder!” Okay, that’s a little funny.]
But hey. I don’t want my hamblog word-cloud to become all MONEY and STRESS and I’M OVER-CRAFTED. It’s good thing I’m being productive, and the desire to give gifts points to my continuing de-Grinchification of my attitude toward Christmas. Right? Even though it all makes me feel bonkers at times?
Here are some good things:
- I am now the street legal owner of a 1993 station wagon. I’m going to rock the grandma vibe with this sweet, tan-color-with-roof-rack ride — and appreciate the fact that it is nearly invisible to law enforcement. And I’ll get a workout, rolling my windows up and down! The accident sucked but here I be with no car loan payment and my insurance about half of what it was.
- I’ll be in Boston for Christmas and New York for New Years. Hooray for east coast shenanananananigans!
- I’m going to three parties this weekend and will finally experience some payoff. Sweet, cocktail-shaped payoff!
I forgot to mention in the first draft of my rant/rave: all the wonderful friends and strangers that bought Mock Orange merch throughout this season. Thank you for keeping the wolves a little farther from my door and allowing me my ever-so first world complaining.
Hey Becky,
Just to let you know…I have given 2 pillows and your tree ornaments to folks so far as early Christmas presents/birthday presents and they LOVED them! Not just liked but LOVED them. The gal that I gave the ornaments to was so impressed how you even wrapped them (well I used your idea and fabric to wrap around them and safety pin) she just beamed! She said they were so unique and special, special. You can’t buy that on Amazon my friend. Keep those little crafty fingers crafting and know that you’re making wonderful “SPECIAL” things! xoxoxo
What does E-Bay know anyway?
I’m going to rock the grandma vibe with this sweet, tan-color-with-roof-rack ride…
I am so sorry it took a nasty car accident to make you write that sentence, but I absolutely love that sentence!
I am thinking of you this holiday & always. Love the Brundle Fly reference. “Be afraid. Be very afraid”.