Day 7: Today, I went to the library

Day 7: Today, I went to the Library, originally uploaded by hambox. “TODAY, I ___” project with Ã…sta. One picture a day for August, foto/photo group Oh, sweet ladies. Oh, mythical 1962.

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Day 6: Today, I shopped for vittles

Day Six: Today, I shopped, originally uploaded by hambox. “TODAY, I ___” project with Ã…sta. One picture a day for August, foto/photo group I was tempted by the produce but opted for a meat-only shopping spree. This is kind of like a tomato apartment building — the boring, bland, hothouse tomatoes live above the messy,…

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Day 5: Today, I baseballed

Day 5: Today, I baseballed, originally uploaded by hambox. “TODAY, I ___” project with Ã…sta. One picture a day for August, foto/photo group Los Angeles Dodgers vs. Arizona Diamondbacks, sitting in back of BoSox fans. Win-win-win for me. That and the Dodger Dog, garlic fries, Cosmo, and tub of beer. C’mere, lemme kissya. No really!…

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Day 4: Today, I podcasted

Update! First podcast, The Old College Try, can be found online here Update! Second podcast, Young and Stupid, can be found online here Day 4: Today, I podcasted, originally uploaded by hambox. This is part of the picture-a-day project with Norwegian extraordinaire Ã…sta Wait, can you hear that sound? It’s the sound of my parents,…

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Day 3: Today, I listened to Van Halen

Day 3: Today, I listened to Van Halen, originally uploaded by hambox. “TODAY, I ___” project with Ã…sta. One picture a day for August, foto/photo group God, so lame. I totally did this as quickly as I could so no one would see me. I didn’t even correctly assemble my fingers for the devil horns…

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Day 2: Today, I sat on this rock

Day 2: Today, I sat on this rock, originally uploaded by hambox. This is part of the picture-a-day project with Norwegian extraordinaire Asta. Some days, a girl just needs to sit on a rock, especially a rock that has a perfect indent for her behind.

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Day 1: Today, I went to Pilates

Day 1: Today, I went to Pilates, originally uploaded by hambox. I am taking a photo every day this month, documenting something (anything) I did that day. Today, I went to a Pilates class and swore twice — but didn’t fart once. This is part of the foto/photo project with Norwegian extraordinaire Asta.

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