Archive for March 2008
one year ago on twitter
Two posts about twitter in a row. What does it mean? Nothin that’s what. A big bowl of nothin. This is what I twitted the last week of March, 2007. My comments on my comments are in italics. If I get any more meta about my life, I may implode with a little tiny pop.…
Read Moresad synchronicity
Seen on Twitter this morning. Related hamblink: ou sont les siestes d’antan?
Read Morepfuh
My pal (or spuddie?) Matt at Spudart has coined a new word: pfuh definition: Interjection/Slang. (used to express disgust, disappointment, frustration, contempt, or the like). example: “I certainly did not leave my planet Zork to Earth for the abundance of washers and dryers. Pfuh!” I used it on Chris, whilst chatting on my new favorite…
Read Morequiltreport 2: science quilt
I will be reporting weekly on a new quilt on which I am working. I am in the numbercrunching stage, and hope I will follow this through to a completed project. Quiltreport 1 here March 10 — After musing over the high-res graphic sent to me from Professor F: I realized we could go a…
Read Morejolly good shew
andy and sharon originally uploaded by hambox Three coworkers of mine got all curious about this thing I do called IMPROV and so off we went on a field trip to the Wednesday night workshop put on by Alan and his Santa Barbara Improv group. My peeps did really well — shockingly well, especially considering…
Read MoreOn my honor, I will try
aka crack, originally uploaded by hambox There is panic afoot in these here halls in which I toil. Professor F’s daughter has put the word out that her Girl Scout troop is sold out of cookies. Suddenly, my office mate’s box of Thin Mints takes on a kelly green aura of extra ultra desirability. Some…
Read Morequite-hard meme game revealed
Update: I am arbitrarily calling a halt to this game. Thanks, all, for playing! I really enjoyed the behind-the-scenes self-torture certain friends bestowed upon themselves — I admire their tolerance for pain, especially with a simple search engine antidote a few clicks away. Violet wins the most correct guesses (four!) — I now affix an…
Read Morequiltreport: science quilt
I will be reporting weekly on a new art project on which I am working. I am in the concept stage, and hopehopehope I will follow this through to the completed project. February 29 — Delicious AHA! moment today. Quilt-wise. Long time in coming. I haven’t been thinking about quilting for quite a while (except…
Read Moregride groom bride broom
My pals Moya and Leanne live-Twittered through their public broadcast viewing of the California Supreme Court’s hearing on gay marriage today — gripping stuff. They also live-flickred some of the more piquant images from in and around San Francisco City Hall, including “Recriminalize Sodomy!” and other charming bash-group signs. One of the greatest gifts I…
Read Morea poem based entirely on episode descriptions of “America’s Funniest Home Videos”
A rat attacks a doll. A dog retreives a ball over a fence, A new father faints in the delivery room. Wrestling kittens People suddenly losing their clothes Camera-shy dogs and horses Frolicking farm animals. Graceful belly-flop Bodybuilder back-flips Lizards as earrings. Also: dancing caterpillars. A dog plays piano A boy tries to flee his…
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