frown has been turned upside down, comments-wise

Oh, lord, I didn’t know that it was impossible to comment on my blog after I restricted it. Sorry about that. Just trying to knob-twiddle so that I can decrease the amount of spammy ridiculousness on my site. You are now able to comment away without restriction. But not you, you idiot spambots. Speak up!…

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recipe for hot citrus tea punch elixir

I received a request a while ago for this recipe. As the weather has been beastly off and on, hither and yon, this is a nice thing to have brewing on your stove whilst the drip and the wet happens outside. The drips seems to be happening internally for a lot of people this winter,…

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requiem for a small pile of insignificant objects

One December night in the 1980s, I was visiting my mom during my Christmas break from college. I remember that we were watching Dynasty. Mom, had usual, had gone the Christmas distance. Votive candles twinkled on the glass shelves that were decorated with heirlooms — figurines and teacups that had been in the family for…

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new blog layout part two

As I have mentioned, as a participant in NaBloPoMo, I won a blog makeover from Jessica at Kerflop. We’re done, this is it! I have gotten a couple inquiries as to how the process went, who did what, etc. So here you go. Part two of two. The banner I created the banner (as well…

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new blog layout part one

As I have mentioned, from my participation in NaBloPoMo I won a blog makeover from Jessica at Kerflop. We’re done, this is it! I have gotten a couple inquiries as to how the process went, who did what, etc. So here you go. Part one of two. On my side, before I started bothering Jessica…

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why do you flip and give me a skip each time

I am trying to break up this Mexican standoff in my brain. On one side, my desire to trumpet my new blog design holds me to the rock; on the other, my need to acknowledge a significant (and very sad) anniversary holds me to the hard place. So, for now, output apropos of nothing and…

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please! don’t look at me!

A warning to my loyal fan base: things on this blog might be down or funky for a day or two, as Jessica, awesome Jessica from Kerflop, installs my new blog! New blog! All fancy like! This is the prize I won from Nablopomo, and I couldn’t be more pleased. See you on the other…

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eight eight eight eight let’s sing the song of eight

I spent some time writing letters today — actual, pen-to-paper, send-with-a-stamp letters. A rare occasion, but fun. Rock Scissor Paper had a mega sale of their papery delights and I bought some, which prompted me to follow up with one of my modest new year resolutions. This resolution’s gist is to keep in better contact…

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look good feels good!

look good feels good! originally uploaded by hambox Behold the unfortunate debut album of the long-forgotten Rundle’s Mission. Look Good Feels Good! is a concept disco album gone horribly awry. This might be the funnest meme in memedom. I would have spent time to tweak the typography more but that would make me a graphic…

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vacation all i ever wanted

I am back in Boston, can you tell? originally uploaded by hambox I am facing my last 24 hours here on the east coast. I am leaving one day early, as my family is returning to work tomorrow and it is time for me to Get the Hell Out of Here. Already my brother-in-law has…

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