rise n grub

It’s the Fourth Friday Challenge for April. My friend Paul and I, both posting daily in 2011, decided to give each other a job once a month to keep things spicy. In his words, “we want to push ourselves to do something more interesting than we might otherwise.” I will put his challenge to me at the bottom of this post — it’s your choice to read the challenge or my response first.

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Sorry, Paulie, can’t stop at one.

I used to like baby carrots mixed with green grapes, right out of the fridge and eaten together. I had to stop that my stomach alerted me that it didn’t like that first thing in the morning.

I love fried chicken with a piping cup of hot black coffee.

Savory oatmeal? Yes please.

Leftover pizza: always.

Once: spinach with vinegar.

At my sister and brother-in-law’s house during the holidays, anything goes. A piece of roast beef, eaten without a plate or napkin. A slice of berry pie or lemon bar. Hummus and olives and pomegranate soda to wash it down. A big fat bottle of porter.

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This post was in response to Paul’s Fourth Friday Challenge to me, April 2011:

What is the strangest thing that you’ve ever loved eating for breakfast?

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Read Paul’s response to my challenge here