leonard maltin, we love you

From the game of "Maltin"

Way to go, 1990s Becky, for saving the chits from a rousing/legendary game of Maltin with friends Danny, Alison, and not sure who else.

Maltin is a game similar to Dictionary (or Balderdash, to those of a certain younger age), in which someone picks a title from the ubiquitous Leonard Maltin’s Movie Guide, a title that no one has heard of. Everyone then makes up a Maltin-esque synopis and review of the movie. The title-picker writes down the real review, as well. The whole group, sans the one in the know, choose what they think is the real review. Hilarity and the awarding of points ensues.

The one pictured is from the mind of Danny P., from a movie titled something like “Journey of the Heart.” This paragraph made it into friend-lore — the phrase “big-eyed baby turtle” is inserted into the occasional conversation to this day.

While in the midst of the most recent purging of possessions, I came across time-capsule/envelope stuffed full of these snarky bits from 1994-ish. I was instantaneously overwhelmed with nostalgia. Danny, Alison and I, already friends for years at that point, were as thick as thieves. They lived in the Mission and I lived on Nob Hill, and most weekend nights I crashed on their couch, too wiped out to make the endless trek northeast to my lonely little apartment. We played games, we overdosed on pop culture of all kinds, we created, we read so much. Music and film were everything. Play was king; I can’t believe* how many photos I earthed up of our pumpkin patch excursions, road trips, parties, camping trips. I found a stack of postcards from Danny that were just so hilariously rude; I’m sure Danny received similar missives from me in equal quantity.

So I sent the Maltin pack to Danny, who is recuperating from an operation, along with a handwritten letter penned on 1990s stationery, with postage made up of 1990s stamps. Did I mention I saved everything? 1990s Becky sure created a lot of work for c. 2015 Becky.

I’m glad Danny got to walk down memory lane, too. I am not sad that the 1990s (and 80s and beyooond) are so long ago. Instead I’m proud that I have maintained so many friendships with so many good people; that is not easy to do.

Alison and Danny

Yeah, I’m talkin to you two.

*yes I can


  1. plotnick on March 16, 2015 at 6:41 pm

    this is the most awesome post ever. A journey straight to my heart.