my miniature mind

silly monkey must get bugs in his teeth

IN celebration of the good mood I am in, I am offering content to you. Perhaps not the freshest nor most interesting content, but content nonetheless. The reason I am in a good mood:

  • I got money. Hellooo, payday. Life with a once-a-month paycheck: the lows are black and dark, but the highs are dizzying! Plus, I just started a second job this week, so the end of my hellish poverty is near. Do you hear that? — it’s the collective, relieved sigh of all those who have patiently picked up my bar tab for the last few agonizing months.
  • I got a reprieve. Suffice to say a problematic deadline in my freelance life has been extended, lifting a cloud of tension and i’m-going-to-have-to-work-all-weekend resentment right off my delicate, milky shoulders.
  • I got swag. I won a contest over at WFMU’s Beware of the Blog, in which readers were charged in identifying a mystery DJ’s personal article. I got it right, as I happened to gift the mystery DJ with said article. Giving presents pays off! I love you, TR.
    UPDATE: Denied! I was disqualified for having inside information, so no swag for me. But I’m still thrilled in a weird way — I’m immortalized on the best blog in the land!

Anyway, in the ongoing documentation of my love of all things tiny, here are some teensy random blips on the miniscule radar screen of my miniature mind:

Crafters created miniature aquariums for the smallest fish in the world. So tiny and cute, it kind of hurts me. To paraphrase the delicious Dagda:

What are the chances of me picking it up squishing it with my fingers? Or biting it? It’s making me all squitty. EEEHHH!!!

A Minor History of Miniature Writing. I like to think of mouse-size scribes at itty bitty desks.

Website stats for my domain reveal the searching keywords that people use before coming across my blog. In the top five (and often in top place) “tiny things” always makes an appearance. For example, here’s the top 5 in January 2007:

1 27 11.11% sneakers
2 16 6.58% becky haycox
3 15 6.17% pysanky
4 12 4.94% tiny things
5 11 4.53% little things

Apropos of nothing, in October 2006, here are the keywords in the number 11 position, and I’m not kidding:

red butted sock monkey of death

Oh, and: “sneakers”??

Photo: silly monkey must get bugs in his teeth, originally uploaded by Sappymoosetree. Thanks for letting me use it!


  1. Bryce on June 29, 2007 at 12:17 pm

    These means that you need to market a new brand of Tiny, Tiny Becky Haycox Sneakers

  2. regina on June 29, 2007 at 9:17 pm

    I heart tiny things, too! In fact, when Sofia was born 3 months early at 1 lb. 12 oz., my sister tried to put a spin on it saying that, “Well, you DO love tiny things!” She’s the best tiny thing I’ve ever had… Even better than my tiny painting of a geisha holding a can of spam. 🙂

  3. Bryce on June 30, 2007 at 12:19 pm

    even the adfarm that is sitting on the Hambox domain (which I almost everyday seem to type in by accident instead of the proper name) seem to grasp your love of the tiny…

    case in point…