What’s on deck for 2010?

Shoe on razor wire

Answering Regina‘s question — a good one at that. I’ll show you my resolutions if you show me yours. By the way, this is the closest I’ll get to composing a life list, the fungus-du-jour of the internet.

  1. Floss.
    Target: daily.
    So far, so good. Four days in and my teeth are feeling frisky.
  2. Move with intention.
    Target: daily.

    Down with the sedentary lifestyle. I have a gym membership and access to free yoga classes and no excuse to ignore them any longer.
  3. No fast food.
    Target: forever.
    I don’t even like it, but crappy time management made me eat it a few times last year. I already put this resolution to the test at the airport on January 1st, when I was hungry and in a hurry. I reluctantly turned away from the arches and spent $15 on a sandwich and yogurt elsewhere.
  4. Ease off on the exclamation point use.
    Target: forever (maybe).
    Just an exercise in reducing the breathlessness with which my updates come across on the internet.
  5. End my relationship with Farmville.
    Target: forever and a day.
    Done. My friend Shana and I took the leap together, following Regina’s bold defection last month. If you don’t know what it is, good. If you do and are rolling your eyes reading this, tough. I’ll miss it.
  6. Get a hold of my debt.
    Target: ongoing.
    Blach, boring. I know.
  7. Take at least a week off every year.
    Target: forever.
    My recent trip to Boston and New York was transformative. Unplugging, relaxing, playing — oh yeah, I remember that.

2009 Roundup

I did not make most of my last year’s resolutions public, but I made some and kept a few.

  • Be friendlier, AKA smile and make eye contact with strangers.
    This has been fantastic. I have made my default Becky-at-large persona someone who is in a friendly place, smiles and says hello, especially in customer service situations. It’s not always a love-fest (see: Two-Month Phone Fiasco with my Webhost that Often Involved Tears), but starting things off on the right foot, I think, has garnered riches. And it’s not insincere — at least it doesn’t feel that way.
  • 2009: Year of the Hug.
    I don’t have any hard data to indicate if there have indeed been more hugs for the hambox in this past year. It has felt huggier, so we’ll leave it at that.
  • Giving till it hurts — well, stings a little.
    I feel that I will remove karma by talking about it too much, but I have tried to donate time and goods to worthy causes throughout the year.

Let’s see what this year brings. Maybe more rock and less suck for all?


  1. cloudy on January 4, 2010 at 2:09 pm

    Good on ya!

    Is there an exclamation point support group I could attend?

    Happy New Year! By the way, you win the best holiday card prize (which is this mention in your comments – CONGRATS!)

  2. LJ on January 5, 2010 at 12:16 pm

    I don’t see more “mockorange” initiatives listed. Not that I should add on to your already well thought out plans.