Friday’s A-Z

My good pal Toni is also participating in this Nablopomo madness and I am totally appropriating the concept that she posted today — things that I love from A-Z. I’ll stop short of just copying and pasting her own excellent list.

I’m not burning out yet on the daily postings.. it’s just a million degrees out and I am busy and hive-y and perhaps a nice, ordered list will help my brain work.

PS, Nablopomo participants are hard workers and we love comments. WE LOVE COMMENTS!

A lot of these are sore-shoulder-relief- and/or dairy-related.

A – Advil. Wait, no, my sister Annie!
B – Bob, my masseur. He of the Magic Hands.
C – Cabaret!
D – Deviled eggs made with lots of mayonnaise. I dream about them since I don’t allow myself to have them. Speaking of which (gads I’m hungry)
E – Eggs, of the cloaca-fresh variety. I had my first (and, to date, only) fresh eggs at the beginning of the summer and I can’t get them out of my mind. Dieting people can be boring and one-note.
F – Tina Fey, girl genius.
G – Dr. Glenn, my chiropractor.
H – Honey butter. Our local after-show hangout is a cafe and bakery. Their bread basket comes with fresh butter that has bruleed honey mixed in. Oh dear sweet moses. I do allow myself the honey butter at times.
I – My iPod Touch. I hope I don’t lose it like I did with all those others.
J – Javier, Javier Bardem. [insert SFX of growly pussycat noise]
K – Krampus!
L – The LGBT Networking Mixer every first Thursday in my town. So happy I’m allowed to attend as an honorary GM.
M – Margie boots by Lassen. Referenced here. Love them so much I bought them in two colors. Now if it would just be cool enough to wear them.
N – Netflix Watch Instantly.
O – The Office. Taken over from Friends as my TV comfort watching.
P – Patti Smith‘s beautiful memoir, Just Kids. Made me look at her, at New York, and at Mapplethorpe with a whole new eye and a whole new level of love.
Q – Quilting, duh.
S – My secret lover. Yes, I have a secret lover. A secret, that is, to the internet at large. I cannot supply any more details, internet, sorry. And when I say I LOVE my secret lover, that’s a little serious. Let’s just say I like my secret lover a lot. And this is a human lover, not a made-up one fabricated from butter and eggs.
T – Toni Tabora-Roberts! She’s just the bee’s knees, and not only as a source of material to rip off inspire.
U – Upper Horsetail and Triple Falls at the Columbia River Gorge. Okay, so I stole this one from Toni. I trust her taste, so if she loves Upper Horsetail and Triple Falls, then I do, too!
V – Ventura, you old bag, you. I do love you, though I complain about you all the time.
W – WFMU, the best aural experience on this good green earth.
X – XTC. No, really, not just because they start with X! Admire my hipster cred when I tell you I saw one of their last live shows ever.
Y – Yogurt, Greek style. Apparently, dieting makes me put dairy items on my favorites list, three times.
Z – Zoot Suit by the Who when they were baby mods, the High Numbers. I’m the hippiest number in town and I’ll tell you why.


  1. Toni on November 5, 2010 at 6:12 pm

    Your A to Z love list is fun and provocative dear Becky. The Secret Lover especially… [insert SFX of growly pussycat noise]

  2. Katherine Kasmir on November 5, 2010 at 9:20 pm

    I love your alphabet list, Becky. Since I’m not a morning person I usually wake up grumbling and complaining to myself. So I’ve taught myself to run through an alphabet list of things I love and care about (several per letter) each morning as I shower. Sounds corny, I know! But it works for me!

  3. Brenna on November 5, 2010 at 10:15 pm

    This looks kinda difficult.

  4. Cloudy on November 6, 2010 at 8:37 pm

    Oh, you brave soul, doing NABLO. I am too lazy to even COMMENT every day of the month, but wishing God speed to your blogging self.

    P.S. I am excited Patti Smith’s book is now in paperback.

  5. Tristy on November 7, 2010 at 6:28 pm

    I love this! I am going to do my own list too! You always inspire me, Lady!