beep beep mm beep beep

On my way to some mischief to the north last night, I stop at a convenience store for refreshments. I bring my Gatorade to the front counter employee named Kevin.

Kevin: Will that be all?

Becky: Do you have any Mentos?

Kevin: No.

Becky: Gasp! Really?

Kevin: Do you want to kill me?

Becky: Do I what?

Kevin: Will that be all?


Non-aggravating thoughts about being in a car:

  • Horses are pretty cute when being transported in those trailers. I wonder if they look at the passing scenery and sniff the air and enjoy their trips. I confess to a multi-decade habit of giggling a little when I see those horse butts.
  • Stopped in traffic, I see a woman ahead of me in a Sensible Honda. I notice she is flailing her arms about. Spider freakout? Stressful phone conversation? Nope: epic air-drum solo!
  • It’s a good moment when a song happens to end just as I pull into the garage and cut the motor.

Back to last night’s mischief. My wine hole was filled with a tasty Pinot Noir, my ears were feted with a variety of hot band action at the excellent Mercury Lounge (“and it’s named after a metal!” says nerd chemical engineer Scott). My host Darling Andrew served cookies and brownies, I got all cougary for the rock studs, the newly-minted Captain Keelhauler got his ass spanked, Violet and her Strange Bird blew the roof off, I slept like the dead, we all ate a Danish breakfast.

Fin again.

nablopomo 07 day 18


  1. dp on November 19, 2007 at 11:48 am

    This post made me happy.
