start the car / i know a whoopee spot
I had high hopes for what I was going to see inside this car. Alas, not one sequined fedora nor languid snapping hand norĀ swiveling shoulder to be found.
I speak, of course, about the singular vision of the late great Bob Fosse. Follow me, won’t you, to view some of these classic (but perhaps lesser-known) Fosse moments? It helps with you follow me in a low, sexy crouch. Oh, and please thrust those hips.
Hey, Big Spender – Sweet Charity
Who’s Got the Pain – Damn Yankees
There’s Bob himself! This is pretty apropos, given my current pain. Maybe I should just mambo.
Steam Heat – Pajama Game
Commercial – Dancin’
Here’s an oddity — commercial for Fosse’s Dancin’ on Broadway. I remember this commercial vividly as a teenager. Whoa. I begged my dad and stepmom to take me to the show, and I remember hating it. Fickle youth.