advent wrapup

So many thanks so many people that have found and created and amassed and enjoyed the delights that I have linked to over the course of this year’s Advent Calendar. I’m totally doing this next year — next time it’ll be a more collaborative process (with you!), and I can’t wait.






Category defiance


Where all the cool links hang out

Genius friends who helped my blog uncrash earlier this month

The humans who read my nonsense

Thanks so much for reading and commenting. I know there are more of you who read and don’t comment — I will respect your shyness here. You guys are great. Check out everyone’s blogs, too. All of my friends are fabulous and creative.

Darling Andrew! Regina! Ã…sta! CardioGirl! Violet! Tamar! Branden! Leanne! Jefffro! SpudArt! Kerrio! Jeanie! Ted! Elle! Cynical Chris! David! Pattiewack! John A! Chriggles! Kentucky Gurl! Bosco! Nora G! Bryce Babcock! Plotnick! Dagda! Mai! Scott S! Greg! Gry! Tristy! Diane! Sam! Michael Dean! Alison! Annika! Damion! Laura K! Doc! Jeana! Carol! WillowFox!

… and, of course, SANTINO! AAAAAAAaaaaa!


  1. reginar on December 25, 2007 at 8:36 pm

    But NOOOOO… Thank YOU!… for taking the time to troll the internets and find and share with us awesome goodies via your advent calender. Most of all, thank you for regularly sharing your Becky Viewmaster with us, providing us with a way to re-look at the world. 🙂
