frown has been turned upside down, comments-wise

Oh, lord, I didn’t know that it was impossible to comment on my blog after I restricted it. Sorry about that. Just trying to knob-twiddle so that I can decrease the amount of spammy ridiculousness on my site.

You are now able to comment away without restriction. But not you, you idiot spambots.

Speak up! I really love comments, so let me know sooner if you can’t get in. I can’t bear the thought of your little noses pressed up against the glass of my closed candy shop.

Thanks for alerting me, C-girl.


  1. Tristy on January 31, 2008 at 3:45 pm

    Hi beautiful Lady!

    Hooray! We can comment again. I actually e-mailed you about the comment block last week (because I responded to your excellent crafty meme assignment. (by the way, are you aware of the wonderful sleeveface flickr group: – many evenings of delirious entertainment making these).

    So you didn’t get my personal e-mail last week – uh oh. Maybe your regular robot is blocking me also.

    Love you!


  2. hambox on January 31, 2008 at 4:23 pm

    Yikes! Thanks for alerting me too, T-girl! And Violet too for that matter. Thank you for caring! {twirls, gives self a hug}

  3. cardiogirl on February 1, 2008 at 1:35 am

    Oh I just loved this little side note visual from you:

    {twirls, gives self a hug}

    I *would* ask to borrow that but ANYONE who knows me virtually or in reality would say what the f#ck? Cardiogirl would never twirl and give herself a hug. She might smack herself in the head, but hugging and twirling, no.

    But it is so perfect for you hambox. Oh God it’s so good to be allowed in the comment box again. Thank you!

  4. Jeana on February 8, 2008 at 1:38 am

    Thank you! I was really confused about the no comments and I though, “Hot snot! She doesn’t want to hear from ME???? Impossible!”

  5. Jeana on February 8, 2008 at 1:39 am

    Thank you! I was really confused about the no comments and I thought, “Hot snot! She doesn’t want to hear from ME???? Impossible!”

  6. Jeana on February 8, 2008 at 1:39 am

    See what happens when you catch a typo right after you hit “Submit Comment”??? Meh.