the real eating holiday

I went to a fantastic Fourth of July party last weekend, hosted by the fabulous Gwen and Paul. I could not believe how much I managed to eat. The pork ribs were so good I simply could not stop. Except for the times I stopped to demand drinks from the host, often simply by grabbing them out of his hand. I had a couple tasty dark beers and maybe two too many Pimm’s Cups. USA, USA!

I contributed two things. Firstly, a strawberry rhubarb pie.

As American as strawberry rhubarb pie

Exactly a year before I had retired from the sport of pie baking. I had made two pies (one peach and one peach-blueberry) that were so mind-numbingly good, that I wanted to end my career on a high note. But then last week I saw rhubarb in the store, and saw the strawberries (locally grown) on super sale, so that was that — like so many sports stars, I got back in the game. AND, like so many sports stars, this new phase wasn’t as stellar. The pie was somewhat runny and obscenely sweet. Not bad, but not as good as my 2010 season.

Then, to keep things classy, I brought these.

The sleeper hit of the party

These may have been an even bigger hit. I did have one, and they are awful yet tasty at the same time, a phenomenon perfected by Hostess.

Overall, Gwen’s strawberry cream cake was the clear dessert champ. Cream cake, oh god. My new love.

Paul and Gwen also made a creamy dill cucumber salad that was to die for. You can kipe the recipe for yourself on Paul’s blog.