cramming summer into the nooks

Whew. What a weird summer. High highs, low lows. Fun and tedium. Horrible sad, ecstatic happiness. You get the picture.

Defying my respiratory maladies, I headed up to Petaluma to properly celebrate my darling friend Tristy and the date of her birth. It was a quick trip, made even more brief by some sudden serious turns of events that brought me back to SoCal earlier than I would’ve liked (see? there is not happy-yin without the sad-yang, all summer long!)

It was a lovely oasis of calm and fun, and it just needed to be a longer trip than 36 hours to make it even more wonderful. I love you Tristy! Now here are pictures. I need to get back to my extremely complicated life now!

horses on the overpass!!

On the way up, I saw a parade of horses crossing an overpass!

welcome to san francisco. here's your $55 bill.

A quick stop for lunch in San Francisco netted me an extra awesome surprise, a $55 parking ticket. SF, you really don’t try to charm me any more, do you?

i'm stella!

Petaluma at last. Cute squeezable girls (in two sizes!) were offered up.

sebastian fixes the outdoor espresso machine

Sebastian and Justin, fixing the outdoor espresso machine. You can tell this party was going to be special.


Music! Fire! Perhaps a little alcohol!

portrait of ben tinker by beck portrait of ben tinker by iris portrait of ben tinker by alicia portrait of ben tinker by jason portrait of ben tinker by ??

Art! Several of us used Ben Tinker as our model. They are all masterpieces. Especially that first one (wink!)

just the view from the new deck.

A Petaluma view. Woke up in my tent to a cool breeze and the sound of goats (or sheep? I don’t know my animals too good.)

morning outdoor espresso by justin!

Fresh outdoor morning espresso, served up by co-host Justin. Yay!

russian river wonderfulness

Lounging on the Russian River. That’s Ben Tinker on the left! And Tristy, my lovely Trismegista Trimegastar, on the right.

I have been extremely fortunate with the magnificent water locales this summer.


Yay! No sadface rock to indicate my extreme late-night, 8-hour drive home. But that’s okay.


  1. Tristy on July 26, 2011 at 4:36 pm

    Yay! I LOVE IT. Your pictures are so special and totally capture the beauty and joy I felt this weekend! I feel so lucky to have you as a friend, and for such a long time now! I appreciate your trekking so far, especially when your Summer is being so ying-yangy. It seems to be a time to just roll with the punches and come up laughing, I guess. I actually had the need to *hug* each photo you posted…isn’t that strange? I’ve never felt that before! But I’m feeling it now!

    A million hugs and kisses for you! Until we next see each other again, which I will commit to being sooner rather than later!

  2. Heather on July 27, 2011 at 8:44 am

    Becky, you have such a way with words. I love peeking in on your life here. I hope there is more good coming your way (is that yin or yang?) rather than difficulties.
