jangled brains
So something may have happened in yoga class last night. I’m not pointing, nor flexing, any fingers at anyone, but I got hurt. In the head-al region. At the time of the alleged injury, I was in a headstand. I felt a little toing, a little odd shift of the muscles in the back of my neck. Very minor, totally painless.
Painless, of course, until I woke up in the middle of the night to the most clenching, shooting, burning maelstrom of pain that engulfed my neck, head and brains. None of my varsity-level painkillers even poked at the horror. Punctuating the head-clutching were fitful sleeps and dreams involving:
…an old boss, who came to my office reporting that she was a serial killer and needed me to clean up the latest bodies. And she would not pay me comp time.
…my buddy DP and I walking along the beach, la la la, and suddenly there are dozens of tornedoes bearing down on us. I run after DP, shouting “is it basements we’re after? because there aren’t any basements in this town.” And we laugh, running from the certain, funnelly death.
Yikes! Blogging about maladies (boring) and dreams (boringer.) Let’s go for the hat trick: here’s a transcript of an IM conversation with someone with whom I IM:
me: my head it huuuurts .. i had a yoga-ma-accident
him: oh no
me: why did my teacher piledrive me? that’s not a very buddhist thing to do
him: all buddhists are trained killers
me: ah, hence the stab-stab-stabbing during final rest phase
him: yes they are very stabby
PS. After one last Advil, a hot shower, and a cola beverage, I’m feeling better to the point of eerily better. The Professor pointed out that I am way too perky to have gone through what I went through, but what I can I say. I’m just glad the tornadoes didn’t get me.
Related hamblinks:
Glad you are feeling better. Sounds like you realigned something, like DIY chiropracticing.
Those body disposal dreams are the worst. I always wake up thinking I am going to get totally caught.
Ahh, but if you want to get Jungian, the goal IS to get caught! Put those bodies out in the open! Put some neon signs around them! Bring out yer dead!
Dreams are also great punsters…I especially like funnelly (funnily!) death. Because in dreams – the goal is death. It’s the ultimate transformation. So why not do it funny!?
I am glad you are feeling better too my dear lady…so scary! Be careful with those headstands! Don’t mess with the spine, baby!
You know, if you’re going to hide bodies, you should at least get a certificate of appreciation, if not comp time.
I have heard.
I checked with Labor Relations and hiding bodies is not only comp. time but time-and-a-half comp time. If you hid them really…really…slowly… you could be quite wealthy in dream world my dear.
Your old boss sounds like one of my old bosses. I swear that’s something he would do and not offer extra cash, comp time *or* a free donut. And based on my experiences with him he would have prefaced it with, “Remember when I told you to clean up those dead bodies? Last week?”
“Um, no.”
“It was at our meeting last week.”
“I usually take notes in my Franklin Planner and I don’t have any notes about that. I would have made that my first task of the day. I don’t remember you assigning that job to me.”
“Well the Senior VP will be here in 20 minutes so can you just whip that up and get it done?”
“Oh. Um, okay.” (mutters *asshole* as she drags the bodies by their ankles to the storage room.)