scrolling down, down, down
I love and blame my darling Tristy for hipping me to the Internet K-Hole. Huge long scrolling posts, composed of nothing but the best photos ever. I cannot look away. And before you look, be warned there are some sexytime images.
If you lived through the era of washed-out photos with curved corners, you will experience the same thing Tristy and I did — as you scroll, you’ll have these PANG! moments of “was that just me?”
I love the fact this site has photos only. No snark, no editorializing, no trying to force the images into a cubbyhole agenada.
It’s touching, weird, real, fake. America!
Tantalizing. Who are and were these people, caught in the best kind of amber?
YES! I’m pretty sure that the two women in the top photo you chose for this post is you and I in some other dimension, because as the Internet K-Hole has taught me, time is circular, not linear. xoxox