poem: anatomy of a relationship

This poem was composed entirely of search strings collected from the very addictive art project, The Automated Beacon:

The beacon continuously relays selected live web searches as they are being made around the world, presenting them back in series and at regular intervals.

The beacon has been instigated to act as a silent witness: a feedback loop providing a global snapshot of ourselves to ourselves in real-time.

And now, the poem.

The Beginning

map of new york state
i want a date tonight

80s prom pics
he has a mighty grip

captivating curls
big boobs alert

cute quotes about boys
fall pictures

french dictionary
chocolate fondue

female proposing
engagement stories

The Middle

wedding flowers
cheap tuxedo

marry a lady from iceland
monogamous animals

cat licking
dog christmas stockings

price comparisons dishwashers
work transitions

how many seconds have i’ve been alive?
who invented french fries?

cheating spouse
identity of a shrub

The Ending

zero tolerance
selling diamond engagement ring

how does dynamite work
salem witch trials

health insurance that went wrong
vomiting, diarrhea

blood in urine
sad syndrome

thumbs up and thumbs down
facts about shooting stars

impossible game


  1. cloudy on November 17, 2008 at 9:15 am

    Identity of a shrub
    Meningitis delicatessen

  2. regina on November 17, 2008 at 7:34 pm

    Hot anal moms
    giraffes habitat

    Brilliance, B. Brilliance!

  3. hambox on November 17, 2008 at 7:40 pm

    This is great! Thanks for submitting your own search finds! Can you imagine the legions of disappointed people that will turn up my site instead of finding hot anal moms or big boobs?