and what did you do this summer?

My sister Ann and her husband Mark are currently on a road trip through Canada and the US. She’s keeping a delightful blog about it. I’m not sure she’d want me to announce the link to the world at large, but if you’re interested in reading it, message me and I can give it to you.

She’s such a great writer. The first installment covers the trek from Cambridge, MA to her family’s cabin in upstate New York. There is talk of music, of baking, of the Amish, and of the Perils of Becoming a Matchy Matchy Twosome:

I have been very aware lately of the pitfalls of long-time couples.  Most frightening, maybe, is the dressing-alike syndrome (“These hats were on sale!” or “Black polar fleece has great solar gain.”).  Older couples, especially, think they are very smart, and the coziness of their relationship often reinforces and inflates the value of their discoveries and tastes to the point of obnoxious smugness.


One of the more astounding aspects of this trip is that Annie is on a quest to return an Indian war club to its rightful tribe. Our father owned this war club that was found on the site of Little Big Horn by our grandfather, who was a prospector for a time. Of course, this is family lore, but what a story, right?

This trip will also allow Annie to pass by our old ranch in Montana that our grandparents owned. All of us kids have deep and fond memories of that ranch, of the horse rides and trout fishing and all that big sky.

And me? I grocery shopped then took a 2 hour nap yesterday.