
More attempts to make room in my brain by disgorging bits and pieces.

I almost won these from eBay.

That’s right: vintage Mao and Nixon pingpong paddles. I am a little broken up that I did not win them. Can’t you see them on the kitchen wall? I do not lie when I try to convey to you the depth of my fascination with Nixon.

feed the head now!

And! Feed the Head is a perfect game for me: Easy, pointless, short, non-murdery, cute and totally surreal. I still had to find a walkthrough, though, as I am impatient and kind of dumb at times. [found through How’s Robb?]

And! Create your own kaleidoscope online? Yes please.

And! Snippet from a vintage email I wrote to a friend in the summer of 2001. I was so charmingly amish:

Cell phones might be handy on an occasional basis. Actually getting one gives me the jeebies.

And! The amusing Patton Oswalt wants to say this to Elvis Costello, and so do I:

Your music makes a cake in my soul.

And! One more quotable quote from my friend, the amazing [and I mean amazing] Thessaly:

If I owned a bakery it would be called Puffy Puffy Yum Yum and I would rename every baked good the Butter Cream Fat Pouch.

Nixon mention, check. Pointless Flash games, check. Damn, the early 2000s seems so far away, check. Patton! Check! Fat pouch, check check check!