another phone post!

I fished my phone out of my purse last week. When I did, I realized the phone had just dialed my bosses’ boss (the Big Boss, oh dear.) I hung up, mentally reviewing, with clammy brain, what I had just been talking about with friends.

I saw the BB the next day and apologized for my pursedial. He said he had gotten the call while in a meeting, and had put me on speakerphone, so the meeting (which hopefully did not include the Bosses’ Bosses’ Boss) heard my muffled yakking and laughing. Cringe!

What-goes-around decided to bite me yesterday when I got a call from my friend Chris, on the phone right next to my napping head. Not in the mood to answer it, I let it go to (the tragically awful Google) voicemail. Of course, now that nap was destroyed, I immediately listened to the message.

Aaaaand: buttdial. I could hear voices, muffled through the pocket of his pants (yikes). After about a minute, I heard him say

Oh! Hello? Hellooooooo? Is there a person on the other end? Or did you buttdial me again?

What? How dare you, Chris, of buttdialing you! It was your butt that dialed my butt! My phone is way above such nonsense.