archive 2001: apology corner
backstory: i was burning out at my job as web/network admin for Film Arts Foundation. The previous fall I was ill for a month with horrible ailments including shingles. I was so stressed out. I needed to move on, but my best friends were my co-workers and I was very reluctant. I finally gave notice and had to scrabble for a job I did not want, because of the horrible economy. My last day at Film Arts happened to be September 11, 2001. So I had to leave the people I loved and start a brand new job (that I didn’t want) the following week, when the entire country was freaking out. A grim start to the millennum and a bleak few years of career unhappiness that lasted until the end of 2005.
Today is where we look inward and apologize to the wretch lurking there.
When was the last time I spent a little me time? Not bloody lately. Good thing my birthday is coming up. I’ve been a little overextended. But having fun. But overextended.
I went to Europe (pix online soon.) I threw a baby shower. Redesigned a web site. Learned the frightening world of sewing. See?–all fun, but I’m tired.
(Location: a desk somewhere South of Market, San Francisco. A murmuring can be heard at the robot-festooned desk.)
Sorry, Becky, for not having enough time for simple moments.
(in a nasal whine)
A meal is all I ask, a meal where I’m not multitasking or standing up or running down the street while eating it.
Okey doke, I hear you. And I’ve apologized, okay? Now, we’ve got to get cracking on these animated gif graphics for the redesign before —
(nasal whine has escalated into high pitched shriek)
NO! NO! Apology NOT accepted, you insincere thing you! Here’s a stabbing intestinal pain! Ha!
Ahhhh! Okay! Sorrysorrysorrysorry —
Don’t be shy! If you need an apology from me, tell me! You can tap into the deep well-spring of guilt that constantly flows through me. Honestly, I feel kind of bad for just being on earth! Exploit it baby. You’ll feel better.