blog post — lazy, slothful, sin-filled editon

Instead of watching the little football game today (I’m writing this on Sunday), I wandered around in the warmth in the lovely (if a touch bizarre) burg of Santa Barbara, watched a series of student films, ate sliders, drank beer, drank coffee (three times), shopped, lazed about, and most decidedly did not work out.

I don’t have any pre-written posts to schedule, and can’t think of anything to … to …

Did I mention how incredibly restful it was just to hang out with friends? In the sun? With the beer?

There is zero motivation to complete my chores, to prepare for my week, nor to ponder the bigger picture.

“Must be nice to hope for the thing you wish to want. Sure beats doing it!”
— Gerri Blank, Strangers With Candy

The other day, my friend Roland and I couldn’t remember the word blimp.

Me: Zeppelin!
Roland: The other word, not AIRSHIP. The other one.
Me: Hindenburrrrrg.. oh, the humanity.. it starts with a B, right?
Roland: Yes! B! Bbbbbbb.. burger.. blastoff.. beeeee.. Kaiser something?
Me: Goodyear! Flying cigar! BOOM?!

Finally, here is one of my favorite animations. Caution: it makes light of laziness, drug use and breaking of the rules. I adore how cheerfully this tale is told. Wheee!

Dock Ellis & The LSD No-No by James Blagden
[direct link]