christmas leftovers

snow lucy

Leftover 1

Perfectly descriptive quote from Morgan at Brick House:

Anyone else feel spent? I sort of feel like I just got out of holiday jail and haven’t adjusted to living on the “outside” yet.

Leftover 2

A recent show called “O Come all Ye Failures with Fabio” on WFMU, the best radio station in the world, featured an interview with Alex Hacke from Einstürzende Neubauten, a famous German post-industrial noise band. Like many creative things in this world, I would not touch EN with a 10-foot-pole, but I’m glad they exist.

It was a great interview, actually — Hacke and his partner Danielle DePicciotto had a lot to say and some great music to play. At one point, Hacke goes quiet. DJ Fabio says “Alex! What the hell are you doing?” Alex, had, in fact, been untwirling the tangled cord of a pair of headphones.

I could relate. If it’s cordlike and twirlly, I am your untwirling girl. I mourn the end of telephones with cords.

After he had completed his task, Hacke announced

Look at it .. it was all knitted up before.. It’s all nice and spirally again!

Pretty cute from man in a band called Collapsing New Buildings.

Leftover 3

exterior wall of corner store

Pictures, including lots of snowy ones, from my holiday trip to Boston and New York

Leftover 4

I have been shockingly whiny about the dearth of gifts given to me this year. What a jerk I am. I need to revisit and reinforce my policy of giving gifts with a pure heart, with no expectations in return. I was very needy and “poor me” throughout December; my feelings were partly justified, but there is no justification for this gift-whine thing. Besides, I did get some great gifts — including a gold bracelet! — so I’m feeling remorseful about my selfish, L. Van Pelt-y attitude.

Gads, I’m glad the holidays are over. Scrub me down and start me over.