crack the W.I.P.
My friends Hillary and Danny gave me a quilt this weekend. A quilt from Montana! Made by Amish (or so I believe). I can’t wait till I get to share the pics with you. Meanwhile, at left is the quilt I started piecing tonight. Oooourrrrggh. I find at this point of creation I always have grave grave doubts in my ability to put together a happy mix of fabrics.
To bring reality crashing in now, my pop is doing pretty poorly and I have a little rain cloud of worry over my head. If you are the sending-good-thoughts-to-the-universe kind, send one Jim’s way, okay? Thanks.
Those fabrics are beautiful. And, the beauty of a quilt – the true beauty – in my opinion anyway, is that fabrics that don’t necessarily go together kinda go together in quilts. 🙂
I hope your pop pulls through… O:o)