crafty eyes they’re watching you

I’m bummed that the Craft Muse didn’t visit me this year — or more accurately, that crushing laziness visited the hell out of me this year. I made nothing with my hands, as presents or anything else. However, I did make pure magic happen by commissioning an artist to create this for my boyf:


That’s a photo of Lamar’s dog Mudbone on the left. That’s a watercolor by Lara Duren on the right. Could you just die? I had a hard time parting with this present when the time came. I unabashedly play favorites among Lamar’s pets, and Mudbone is number one in my book. Look at him! I will breathlessly update with Lamar poses a photo with Mudbone and his portrait.

Lara can be found on Etsy as Jujubee Artworks. Needless to say, I think she is a stonecold genius of the highest order.


  1. Violet on December 27, 2011 at 5:54 pm

    That is fantastic! I love the photo and the ensuing watercolor. Very cool. Plus: Mudbone!

  2. Tristy on December 29, 2011 at 12:33 am

    I am FREAKING OUT on how fantastic every aspect of this is. Pure Magic.