Day 1: Today, I went to Pilates

Day 1: Today I went to Pilates

Day 1: Today, I went to Pilates, originally uploaded by hambox.

I am taking a photo every day this month, documenting something (anything) I did that day. Today, I went to a Pilates class and swore twice — but didn’t fart once.

This is part of the foto/photo project with Norwegian extraordinaire Asta.


  1. regina on August 2, 2007 at 10:54 am

    Just *when* did you find time to go to pilates this morning, considering your commute and all? Go, Becky!

    BTW, that looks exactly my mat… Mostly because mine’s all folded up, not being used, and not farted on in a very long time. [smirk]

    (um… Actually, Kerri was the last to use my mat, as she was borrowing it for a while. It’s only now occurred to me that SHE may have farted on it! Kerri? Is there something I should know?)

  2. me on August 2, 2007 at 11:10 am

    Hee hee! Farting!!!

    I actually posted this yesterday (I attended the class yesterday evening).. some weird WordPress-ness brought it up today. A Day Two will be posted later as soon as I figure out what the hell it is I do every day.

    Working out in the morning!? Oh, ha ha ha ha! I’m much more aligned to the insomniac night-owl tendencies of you (as well as the bizarre flights of mind as the 3:00…4:00…5:00 hours tick by).

    xoxoo B

  3. Ã…sta on August 2, 2007 at 3:57 pm

    Becky is posting a picture of a pilates mat, I’m posting a picture of my couch!!! Jeeze! What a start to our project, Becky! If you keep up these kinds of pictures, I’m in the risk of being inspired to work out!!! πŸ˜‰

  4. kerri on August 7, 2007 at 3:41 pm

    HAHAH! Go Becky!

  5. kerri on August 7, 2007 at 3:42 pm

    HA! Farting on your yoga mat?

    Yoga mat? Me? Use a mat? Exercize? Are you talking to the right person? Who am I? I might have “borrowed” it, meaning it stayed in that exact same position that Ms. Hambox has documented so nicely in her photo. And, I gave it back to you, just like that. πŸ™‚ But dustier.