Diary Entry: December 19, Age 14

As part of my Advent Calendar project, I am presenting excerpts from my actual teenage diaries!

We just had our Winter Concert. It was very good. The chorus was really together, and we got raves. Mmm. I love getting clapped at. Applauded at (sounds better.) I feel good. I think I’m starting to be someone other than “Naomi’s friend” at school. Speaking of Naomi, she was on LSD tonight!!!


  1. Jefffro on December 19, 2007 at 7:48 am

    OMG, that last comment came out of no where!! That was amazing and I laughed out loud here at work.

  2. regina on December 19, 2007 at 3:00 pm

    Charles Phoenix is da bomb. Have you taken his LA tour? It’s on my to-do list.