earth day earth day merry merry mirth day

Santa Cruz Island, Earth Day 4/22/11

My family and I did not go kayaking last Wednesday; due to a convergence of bad website design, two harbors that are very close together but not the same harbor, and a lack of cell phone, we had to scrap plans and try again today (Friday.) And oh, gracious, am I glad things worked out the way they did.

For starters, the (different) kayak tour company we went with this time was more together, gave us explicit directions on what exact harbor we were to report to, and were all around “you’re in good hands” efficient. For another, the weather was better. For another, we got to go do this fantastic trip on EARTH DAY!

I’d love to post the whole travelogue but I bought the worst camera in the world, one that deserves its own separate post, a camera that was supposedly “waterproof” but in reality just “sucks hard” and I am going to have to find a Micro SD card reader to get the pictures off because the camera is not compatible with the newest version of the Mac OS. And the pictures are foggy (because water got in the “waterproof” casing) but I want to post them anyway because I want proof that I went in a kayak! In the sea!

So anyway. The kayak report and accompanying pictures will have to wait. But I can report on the other parts of the trip, and show you pictures and video from my trusty but non-waterproof iPhone.

It was a PERFECT day. First, we rode a boat.

[direct link]

This boat went fast, as you can see if you watch the above video. I am very proud to report that I did not get seasick, even when a small child and her mother were hurling vigorously about three feet from me. Thank goodness for horrid-tasting meds sometimes.

We also hiked and looked at the ocean where we had just kayaked.

Santa Cruz Island, Earth Day 4/22/11

That is me and my brother-in-law, lolling. That island with the white stuff on it? We went inside it! On kayaks!

We also ate sandwiches and basked in the glory of nature on Earth Day.

Santa Cruz Island, Earth Day 4/22/11

That’s my sister, eating pastrami and smoked gouda and singing “The Hills are Alive.” That blacked out bit is quite arty, no? No?

If I ever get those stupid pictures out of that lame camera, I not only can show you kayak pictures, but also pictures of a fabulous hike we took on Wednesday instead of kayaking that first try. I’m sure you can’t wait! I’m having so much fun with my family!


  1. Violet on April 23, 2011 at 11:56 pm

    It looks like such a beautiful trip! I’m so glad you guys had fun. Xo

  2. Shana on April 24, 2011 at 1:07 pm

    Boo for bad website design! Hooray for good weather and competent companies! Can’t wait to see the pictures!