Eat vegetables with every meal, or your lips will start to peel

Charlotte I am angry. Angry that no one bothered to hip me to the existence of Amy Winfrey and her incredible animations. Until now. Big thanks to KO who offered up

Oh my, genius. I feel jealousy, appreciation and relief in equal measure when I behold brain candy such as this. I wish I could make things look and feel like that; I love her for putting her love and sweat into such joyousness; and I’m at peace, knowing that there are people like her in the world. Yay!

Promise me, if you’re going to give me only 5 minutes to prove me wrong, start with Making Fiends and watch at least 3 episodes.


  1. Bryce on August 20, 2006 at 1:21 pm

    I Hate you…

    …My afternoon is rapidly disappearing and I….Can’t….Move….From….Monitor . Episodes……toooooo….Cuuuuuuuuuuutttte