end of a sort-of era

Oh, Myspace. That dismay in that first paragraph seems a little too authentic.

end of an era

I feel not a twinge of guilt. I procrastinated joining Friendster until the very moment that my fickle friends lost interest. A short time later I got talked into Tribe.net by my friend Bryce and ignored it immediately. I reluctantly joined Myspace in 2007 as a requirement for a project in which I was involved — I put that one off as long as possible, since the interface was 100% repellent.

Ironically, I still use MySpace as a viable tool for my “real” job; it’s still being used by some of our demographic. But boy, it all feels sad, like “last day of Borders — wall displays for sale — 80% off” sad.

Oh, Myspace. My personal network doesn’t need to be rebuilt; my personal network has been cheating on you for quite some time.

rebuilding my personal network FROM SCRATCH


  1. Jefffro on May 17, 2011 at 5:02 pm

    When you run down the list of failed social networks, it is kind of amazing. And that we all seem to settle for the one with the most bland appearance….well, that speaks volumes about accessibility and making choices to view certain content.

    Now, it seems almost strange to consider a time without Facebook and things like Twitter….instant updates from phones were something of the future…..the future is here.

  2. hambox on May 17, 2011 at 7:20 pm

    no kidding. i remember looking at facebook way back when and thinking “whoa, sterile” — though i understood (and appreciated) the perceived order/cleanliness after the myspace madness.

    i can’t believe i keep encountering technologies that keep revolutionizing my life. it doesn’t stop! scary/weird/wonderful!