feeling a lightness of spirit
Myself and Carolyn of Coast Caregiver’s Resource, an indispensable caregiver’s support and resource organization. I would have struggled so much more frantically with caring for John, if not for Carolyn. We had a conversation for StoryCorps, and it was great! I’m allowed to share excerpts, so when I edit the audio, I’ll post it.
Sharing the details of my caregiving journey (and it IS a journey) really showed me how far I’ve come and what I’ve been through.
That conversation has really helped me to see with clarity my life right now. I’m really on the other side of a lot of obstacles. Yes, the holidays are here, but I don’t have anything I *need* to do; I can have fun and not put any pressure on myself. Planning trips and itineraries are a breeze, for the first time in years, now that John’s in a safe place. The house is sold; I’m about to have a stable home of my own.
There have been quite a few problems and situations I haven’t shared here, things that were really hard this fall, but also have starting resolving. It really feels like my willingness to allow 2013 to be the year of hard work really bore out — yup, it’s been the hardest work ever, and now, at the end of the year, it really is easing off.
And… I’m proud. Proud of myself. And I am emerging out of my complicated cocoon, ready to be a giver, a taker, to be supported and a supporter.
I’m ready for the next steps, let’s go!