first minefield completed (only missing one to two limbs)

Hello, blog. It’s the Sunday after Thanksgiving weekend. As we all know, the holidays are loaded and weird for me and this doesn’t seem to be a situation that changes with time. This one was actually pretty okay, and I would’ve been a lot more upbeat if I hadn’t engaged in a Stupid Pointless Argument* — the aftermath of which is leaving me sad and icky-feeling.

I’ve also been somewhat depressed lately, a condition that plagues from time to time, and I sure wish I could say I’m on the upswing, that the worst is over, that by Christmas (haha!) I shall be all sugar and roses again.

These are things that are hard to write about, not surprisingly. It’s fun to write about fun things, and it’s hard, especially in the age of social networking, not to strive to come across, always-always, as creative and witty and thin and organized (among all the other things we are not always!)

Lame-ass depression and lame-ass fights with loved ones. Two lame tastes that taste lamer together. Oh, my, I am not creative not witty nor thin nor organized right now at all. But are you reading anyway? It seems like there’s a major blogging backlash, myself sort of included, afoot. I think I am feeling the chill of the zeitgeist as I wonder “what’s the point of writing about personal things on the internet?”

As I ramble through this post, it may be time to count my blessings and try to be a little thankful for the recent things that are very good in my life, especially

  • two brief but fantastic visits from Polly (Saturday) and from Ellen (today), who made special trips to seek me out as they were passing through the area. I got to talk to Polly about depression and to Ellen about the Stupid Pointless Argument (lucky them!) Having two wonderful friendly shoulders to lean upon and squeeze (even for a short time) was so, so great. Extra props to Polly who guessed as to where I’d be in Ventura and found me there, much to my delighted surprise;
  • the excellent Thanksgiving meal that fulfilled all the bird-stuffing-pie requirements;
  • the fine group of friends with whom I dined and saw a local production of Spring Awakening (which scandalized me!);
  • the fact I booked a two-week trip. A TWO-WEEK TRIP!!

So yeah. I’m coming through the holiday only slightly scathed, so thanks?

*Nothing like penting up a lot of petty frustrations and then blowing up in the most public, inopportune, and selfish moment possible! Then feeling regretful but also still a little self-righteous and still definitely frustrated at the things that triggered the explosion! Oh, and slammed doors. I feel like the skill of adulthood completely eludes me at really bad times.



  1. Leanne on November 27, 2012 at 11:38 am

    Bravo, Becky! Holidays bring out the “best” in humanity, don’t they? You just did something I’ve only learned to do in the last few years — behold the awful horridness while shining some light on the positive (instead of just wallowing in the awful horridness). Then, it must be serendipity, I found something on the interwebs that is perfectly aligned with this blogpost and it’s being shipped to you. Here’s to Jan1!