full commitment
This is a picture, taken by the amazing Brittney Green, during our Labor Day weekend improv festival. The scene (all made up on the spot, of course) is from the little-known musical version of “Fight Club.”
This is such a fantastic picture. There are improvisers from five different cities on stage, several who were strangers to each other before the festival. There’s a 30-year range of ages up there, too.
Yet look at the teamwork in this scene. It is not easy to depict physical conflict convincingly and safely. It sure looks like John gave Tony a real shot, but it was all acting and beautiful movement work. This portion of the scene was probably in slow motion.
Every person in the scene is fully committed, working together to create drama and cohesion. Not to mention most everyone was singing at this moment.
I remember feeling a lot of pressure in the scene, since I don’t really know the plot of “Fight Club” and was trying to support well but unobtrusively while the main characters worked it out. I also was nervous, as I always am, when there are a lot of people on stage. But here’s proof positive that I was paying attention!
It’s rare that I can voluntarily conjure the thrill of pure magic that improv can be for me, but this picture makes me feel it. A rare still image that managed to capture it’s all about.
Beautiful capture! A lovely group story…