getting it all out edition

Well hello! I am going to write this without editing, just getting it out, BLOOOOORP style!

When we last left our heroine, it was January, Bowie was dead, my life was about to go into hyperdrive, that rain I mentioned lasted about a minute and now the drought is worse than ever.

And now it’s June, Prince is dead, I’m reeling a little from the 6-month hyperdrive, and I’m just blink-blink-blinking my little eyes back open, trying to BE A CLICHE and FIND BALANCE between my work life and, well, everything else. And so I turn to you, blog, you outdated delivery method! BY THE WAY, it will be, in three short years, the 20th anniversary of, yup.

So yeah, I went into a kind of training, knowing my new job was going to kick my ass, so I started waking up very early, meditating, walking, trying to create that BALANCE CLICHE referenced above, but then I got a cold that rivaled the Worst Cold of My Life 2011 and the job sucked a lot of vital life force from me, and I went into a little freefall, but THEN I got better and started back on a kind-of regimen and I struggle.

And here I am, imperfect as ever, still missing Bowie (in my heart) and Prince (in my gut), who would have thought this year would bring THAT in addition to this infamous presidential candidate, that short-fingered fascist that I can’t even name? The death of two of my favorite musicians combined with this presidential race has just made this the weirdest year ever, so far.

No editing! Yikes! So the job is very very busy and can be very hard and I suspect I haven’t spoken of this job in this online space, which must be confusing if you are following my life strictly through the Hamblog, which would be really weird of you. I interviewed for, got the job, and accepted, all before the holidays in December. I started one week after David Bowie died-ish — the day after MLK Jr. day, I’m trying to just write and not fact check.

I like this job very much, I am a Marketing and Events Director and my coworkers (it’s a very small staff) are really great. I laugh a lot, a LOT. It’s also sometimes frenetic, at times stressful, and often confusing as hell. But I got what I wanted, a busy job (maybe Satan could’ve toned down the busy-ness), a good job, an eclectic job. I miss the old gig, but glad where I am. I get to wear name tags, wield giant scissors, design stuff, make a lot of phone calls, and sometimes wear sensible heels, also known as work drag.

Speaking of drag: I enjoyed Season 8 of RuPaul’s Drag Race, but I am REALLY enjoying the supplemental webseries – UNNNNHHH starring Trixie Mattel and Katya Z, and “Fashion Photo Ruview” with Raja and Raven. If I can’t find a playmate to come with me to DragCon next year, I am going to be sad, mad. Really, the only programming I’m watching these months is drag-related, Project Runway-related, or (my really guilty pleasure-viewing) past Amazing Race seasons-related. But yeah, drag is number one. I can’t stop!

I am happy that I will be vacationing a bit this summer, just like a grown up. (I just dropped my iPhone on my foot!) I did not plan on going to Seattle this year, to the usual Improv Fest thing that I have done off and on (mostly on) since 2006. But then I got sad I won’t see all my buddies so just booked a weekend trip at the end of June (with that very nervous-making Spirit Air) and now I’m happy again. I’m also hitting the road in July with the infamous BF Molly, who moved to the other coast last year (WTF with all this incredible convulsive change for everyone the past few months!?!) I’m responsible for programming this trip, which I am taking very seriously. I’m taking a  meeting with a very seasoned roadtripping and State Park-knowing friend and hopefully with his guidance I will make for a good time for she and me. The idea of time away makes my mind salivate.. seriously I don’t get to goof off very much.

I’ve been continuing with self-work as well, which has helped me retain sanity – or at least regain a certain equilibrium a little.faster than I used to do. That combined with the high demands of my job has helped me to loosen my claws and release (perceived!) control over lots of aspects to my life. What i’m trying to get at is I do a lot of stuff for free and that stuff took up a lot of time but my time is a lot less flexible than it used to be but I didn’t want to give those duties up because I don’t like to relinquish control and now that is all changing. For the better. I have a Board duty that will be done at the end of this year, I am letting go of a lot of my improv theatre duties (hi Kyle!), I have minimized other freelance and unpaid gigs; I would like to make space to be purely creative and to have more fun.

Ugh, cringing at the lack of editing control I have over this post (self imposed!) Fun fact: in December it will be 20 years of me doing improv. 1996 and 2006 and 2016 sure are monumental years! I seem to be preoccupied with anniversaries, yes?

My washing machine has a leak, my freezer’s seal is faulty (there is the biggest ice-tumor inside there, shit!), I just used that plastic teethed thingie to pull out pure horror from my bathtub drain to keep it from backing up, I had to report my neighbor’s ever-barking dog, there are termites in the crawlspace, yet I could not be a happier home-owner, which is WEIRD to me! I’m my own landlord and I’m sure an asshole sometimes but this place is awesome. Awesome! Oh, the heater’s not working, there are some inevitable plumbing i$$ues coming down the pike, and I get angry when I walk through City Hall and see the acres (acres!) of beautiful marble walls and floors, then come home to scratched up ratchety laminate. Yet. Yet! Totally house proud and psyched to be here.

A cricket has been living on my balcony for the past month and a half or so, and does the cricket thing nightly. I LOVE the sound, I feel like I’m in summer camp. Ironically s/he just stopped as I type this. I feel a lot of affection for this little guy and am charmed at the fact s/he stops for a little bit when I step outside or slide one of the balcony doors open/closed. Still a little cautious with me! Maybe if I buy him a small hat or gift. What do crickets like?

Okay, brain dump over. It’s time to rewatch Season 14, the first appearance of the Cowboy Brothers!