goodbye, fig
The Fig, the old station wagon I drove between the Nissan that got freeway-smashed and my current “vintage” Camry, has found a new and loving home. All parties involved are very happy about this, including (I’m sure) my neighbors, who have had to witness a driveway full of jalopies for months now. Now, back to being a one jalopy family!
My friends C and A mentioned last week that they were living with the hassle of being a 2 job/2 person/1 car household.
Et voila. Fig just got driven off by his/her new owners. It’s a pretty bold adventure for a car that came to my family as an infant, when Kurt Cobain was still alive, our economy was “rosy” and too many of us wore lipstick that was way way too dark.
This isn’t a pure mitzvah or act of complete selflessness, as a bit of money exchanged hands, but I think we all think we got the better end of the deal, and I’m feeling my grinch heart grow a couple sizes with how nicely this turned out!
So, little Fig, try not to bother your new mommy and daddy with your electrical issues, cracked windshield and weirdness with the ignition! Romp and play in the fields. God speed.