home’s odyssey

I just got word that the apartment for which I’m lusting after is mine, all mine, in mid-December. Never mind that there’s a week of free-fall during which I will be homeless, whatever, don’t forget I just made room in my storage space.

Sidenote: I am grateful, so grateful for my improv skills. This property management agency has gotten burned by some terrible tenants recently (inside info I was happy to exploit), so I played up the things I know they would like — middleaged/employed/quiet/etc, but also exuded enthusiasm and friendliness. I also carefully and pseudo-casually threw in my pure selfness goodness (caregiver! works with children!) to get them on my side. However, I pulled back the moment I sensed I was pushing it — ass-kissing ultimately does not go that far. All stuff I’ve practiced on stage for years — basically, figuring out the best way for someone to like/respect — or at least, listen to — me. Not to mention being ready with whatever cash they asked for.

After visiting John yesterday I was not far from my former home — you know the one, the one that I purged of possessions and put on the market this summer? Have I not mentioned that? More than 12 million times?

So, with a weird waking/dreaming feeling, I drove by the house. My nighttime dreams are full of scenarios in which I’ve forgotten to move out and OMG the owners are walking in the door, etc. So I was skittish as I slowed down and passed by. They were there! The garage door was open and a mountain of boxes were inside. They were obviously right in the middle of it all. I emitted an alarmed squeak and sped away.

Which is so silly. From all reports these owners are the salt of the earth and probably would’ve been delighted to meet me. But maybe not? Maybe just making friends with your new house might not be the time that the Ghost of Owner Past shows up to say boo? Maybe I’ll show up in the new year with a plant and a “hey”.

Or maybe I should learn from my dreams and secretly live there during the one-week homeless phase next month?