honey(s), do!

I made a massive “honey-do” list for my visiting sister and brother-in-law so they can toil while I sit here and blog. They only got in Monday morning and already here are their achievements, as of Tuesday afternoon:

  1. Went to Lowes, my least-favorite place on earth
  2. Fixed my stupid, ever-running toilet
  3. Fixed the other, sometimes-running toilet
  4. Bought and installed new kitchen faucet
  5. Fixed the disposal (Mark told me to “feel the unit” until I “locate the button.” Heh heh)
  6. Found a solution on how to Elderly Relative-proof the stove
  7. Figured out what’s wrong with the burners
  8. Replaced and remounted the staticky kitchen phone
  9. Showed me where the heating unit is for the heater thing
  10. Bought a smoke alarm — installed
  11. Bought a new front door deadbolt — installed
  12. Cooked two ribsticking meals

Unfrickinbelievable. Those good yankees with their good yankee work ethic. There’s only a handful of still-outstanding items on the list, including “find the source of the funk” and “Annie, show your spazzy sister how to sew a patch on her sweater without making it look awful.”

By the time you read this, we will be en route to a kayak trip out on the sea. Holy frijole, this week is about to change gear!


  1. Han on April 20, 2011 at 8:29 am

    Rock on! That’s epic! Each time my house mate’s boyfriend has been round for tea in the last two weeks he’s done a chore that we should be doing like cutting the grass, moving the trampoline, watering the plants and hoovering the house mate’s car – he earns his dinner that’s for sure lol.

  2. Violet on April 20, 2011 at 4:07 pm

    That is fantastic! Enjoy your kayaking.