i have never heard of this “game”, or: joops — wait, oops!

Things are progressing along on all fronts and, although I have much less of a life that I’d like to have right now, I am not overwhelmed. I am either on the computer, on the phone, in my car to somewhere, or asleep. Fortunately the computer has been providing the chuckle or two.

Dialect Survey

Prepare yourself for a fascinating time suck — how various phrases and words are pronounced in the United States by region. I’m sure this map would have been much more colorful even 10 years ago — regionalism and local dialects are disappearing by the day. I’d like to point out to Tamar that “waiting on line” is used by a laughably small amount of Americans, so she needs to not bent out of shape when I say “waiting IN line”. IN!

I enjoy how a majority of Americans get a little huffy sounding when asked about mumbledypeg. A little too high and mighty, I’d say. Cmon, haven’t you ever been bored on a Saturday night, with only your knife and your fingers to amuse you?

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And: proof that the end is nigh. “You guys” is winning. Yek.

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The Boyf Commits a Rare Gaffe

Lamar prides himself on not intentionally making mistakes in his messages. Which is curious, as I don’t understand what the hell he’s trying to say most of the time anyway, proper spelling or no. Anyway, I thought this was CUTE. Joops!

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I Took Lessons!

[direct link]

I love the jaunty way Samuel L. Jackson answers the query “Were you always this stupid?” (from Long Kiss Goodnight). That’s right in the zone for me, someone I strive to play onstage in improv — someone who is joyously proud of being a little bit dense.

I Can’t Post the Next One

Since it has to do with work, but a young person with whom I work created a “Ermahgerd” meme graphic from a picture I took at one of our work events and it made me laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh. So there.

I hope you have enjoyed your break from furniture blog posts. Because they’re about to come on like cicadas in New Jersey, baby.