I smell … more observational airline humor, that is

Guess where I’m going next?


Gotcha! Home is where I’m going next, holy smokes, don’t you think it’s time I came back, I do believe these continual brag-posts about my fabulous trip are wearing thin, no?

I’m feeling only the way a three hour sleep, horror o’clock wake time, a Dallas stopover, middle seat for both flights, three time zones, and a whole lot of shuttle-waiting can make one feel. I was people-watching in the international terminal (where you can eat on the mezzanine at a place called Sushi Boy, as I did), and was alternately feeling sympathy-withered at the sight of all the weary travelers, and choked up at some pretty grand welcomes and reunions. I got to see the face of a lady, fresh through Customs, just as she caught sight of a very new grandbaby in the arms of her beaming daughter.

Oh and I also saw Alec Baldwin, looking somewhat lean and wearing that remarkable celebrity mask that telegraphs to all “please I know you know, but for the love of god leave me be” as he sailed by.

I have to say, looking at all those exotic locales did make me feel a little urge to heave myself off these shore and onto to some foreign ones. But first: Oxnard!