i’m a shopping bag lady — not the sad kind (not yet, at least)

Tourists Forgive me, daddy-o, for I have sinned.

I’ll be judged for this one. But please reserve judgment until after you see it! I was at TJ Maxx about 3 weeks ago, and I spied a Ficcare silver leather hip pack. Not a fanny pack. Not a fanny pack! I spent a lot of time in front of the mirror playing the “is this cool or stupid?” game with myself. I landed on the side of cool, but it was $20, it had a little scratch on it and they wouldn’t discount it, so I left. But last week I stopped in: it was reduced to $12. AND all clearance items were an additional 25% off. Do you see why I had to get it? Do you see?

I gave it a test run last week and I must admit that the only unsolicited feedback I got was from my friend T, who pointed and laughed at it, and at me. Sigh. But, as Evany and Jill both have pointed out in the past, in their blogs: it is up to me to ROCK my OUTFIT. This weekend, those two ladies might actually see in person whether I rock this accessory or not. Eeek!

AND: Okay, in other, less queasy shopping news, here’s a tip from the Consumerist — when you’re shopping at the mighty Target:

Target’s full prices end in 9. So the first price tag will be $14.99 or $27.99, something like that.

Then, every time Target discounts the product, the final digit of the price drops.

The lowest the last digit will drop is 4.

If you see something you want at Target and the price ends in 4, buy it. The price won’t go any lower.

AND: Oh jesusgod, House Industries (the most incredible typography house in the galaxy) are designing shoes now. Behold the woodgrain shoes (I’m looking at you, ET) … so avantgarde but not too fuckyouly.

AND: Can you spare $8500 for the most beautiful artwork/chandelier in the world?

Photo: Tourists, originally uploaded by Mark Turner. Thanks for letting me use it!


  1. samantha on February 14, 2007 at 10:55 am

    Thanks for sharing theinfo about Target prices! that will be very useful…

  2. Dagda on February 14, 2007 at 2:25 pm

    I need to see said hip bag in action immediately in order to be persuaded 1. That it isn’t a fanny pack 2. That even if it is, you’re rocking it and therefore it’s back except better.

  3. Jeana on February 14, 2007 at 2:45 pm

    *points and laughs at fanny pack* Although I have to admire the deal you got on it. If it was me, I would figure out a way to hack the straps and make it into a handbag or shoulderbag. Because the bag part is actually very cute. I just can’t see it being cute attached to someone’s waist. HOWEVER, you might be able to pull it off seeing as how you are so cute yourself.

    Also, LOVE the Target tip. Now I shop there feeling like an insider. Sweet!

  4. me on February 14, 2007 at 3:03 pm

    Okay, people, I will post pictures as soon as I get A. a cute outfit on, and B. the gumption to show this item off to the world. As I mentioned to Dagda, I am feeling as though this accessory is going to lose the fashion battle *and* war. But to ROCK it I shall attempt.

  5. me on February 14, 2007 at 3:11 pm

    OH, forgot to mention: The HIP PACK that I’m talking about does not appear on the Ficcare website any longer. The one you see on the Ficcare site is less cool than the one I have. LESS COOL! OK, I’m tired of defending this thing…

  6. spark and foam on February 14, 2007 at 5:56 pm

    Rock it, girl. You know you can! I bought a giant silver bag recently–why? I do not know. But it is now mine, and …wait, did I give it to the Goodwill? I may have. It was pretty insane-looking. But I bought it to augment my fabulous collection of nearly useless, outre’ handbags. Because that’s what you need, when you live aboard a boat.


    PS: do you wear this hip bag on the side or on the back, or what?

  7. spark and foam who won't shut up, apparently on February 14, 2007 at 5:57 pm

    P.S. That incredible chandelier is also something one needs, living aboard a boat.

  8. me on February 14, 2007 at 6:03 pm

    I am amused, people, that this HIP PACK (which one wears on one’s hip) entry is getting more comments than I’ve gotten in weeks! Curiosity is peaked, non? I laugh, laugh, laugh!

  9. Kerri on February 15, 2007 at 9:05 am

    THAT is sooooo a fanny pack. But it’s silver, and makes it OK. But, I’m a barracuda and anything shiny gets my vote. Hence the ruby slipper obsession……. mmmmmmm… rubies…